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5 Self Care Ideas for Living an Intentional Life

Is it time for a time-out? Here's your guide for getting back to your intentions.

Our passion at MeraKalpa is to help people to set and achieve intentions, so they can live their best possible life. And one of the most important parts of intention-setting practices is getting clear on the self care you will need in order to tend to your inner flame.

When you are going after the life of your dreams, there is likely going to be a lot of devoted work, full days, and resilience required, so it's important that you are equipped with some go to self care ideas and tools that will keep you stay feeling rejuvenated and passionate about your life.

An essential part of your intention-setting practice is getting clear on the self care you need.

Start a yoga practice...

Moving your body will help release stress, process your emotions, and it can even help you raise your energy levels. You can ease into a gentle yoga practice that stretches out your body and help you hit the reset button on your physical health, or you can do more energized practices when you feel up to it. You don't even have to leave your house! There are many channels like Yoga with Adrienne that you can use to do yoga in your own living room. You can also do some restorative yoga poses (child’s pose, goddess pose, downward dog, corpse pose).

Add something special to your daily routine...

One of the sweetest things you can do for yourself is to add something special to your daily routine that is intended to nurture and fill you. You can carve out time every morning to be alone with your journal, prioritize your daily run, or even sitting quietly with a cup of tea for 15 minutes before bed can do wonders. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant it seems, as long as you are setting aside time to take care of yourself, you will notice a difference.

Put your phone on "Do Not Disturb"...

Most smartphones have settings that allow you to program them to be on “Do Not Disturb” after a certain time every day. It is unnecessary and unhealthy to be constantly answering to notifications on technology, so it’s so important to take time out from push notifications. If you really need to unplug, you can even turn your phone off in the evening or put it on “Do Not Disturb” during the daytime.

Connect with people who nurture you...

Quality time with a supportive friend can be one of the most energizing and motivating ways to spend your time. Reach out to that friend who always leaves you feeling good about yourself and ask them to grab a coffee, or maybe ask someone special if they want to set up a monthly or weekly standing appointment. It may even help to open up a little about how overwhelmed you feel and ask for support.

Prioritize your sleep...

According to Medical News Today, the average adult needs about 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you think you are too busy to get 7 hours of sleep per night, you might want to consider that sleep deprivation can lead to poor job performance, emotional problems, depression, and perception of a lower quality of life. The seasons of life where you are most tempted to cut out sleep are the times when you need it the most. And this isn’t just making sure you sleep for 7-9 hours per night, but making sure that you stay off screens for 1 hour before bed, so you can get high quality sleep. If you choose only one self-care activity from this article, we hope you choose this one!


Making your own mala necklace is a self-care ritual in itself. Many clients come to us to find a mala kit that supports their intentions. They tell us that the experience not only helped them solidify their goals, but the simple act of doing a craft was also incredibly relaxing and healing as well. Below are our recommendations for mala kits that can be helpful in your self care practice.

Rose quartz is a warm, nurturing stone that helps you to balance your heart chakra and strengthen your self-love. You can create your own rose quartz mala as a promise yourself to prioritize self love and self care. Check out our Love and Compassion mala kit. 

Green Aventurine can help to purify and open up the heart chakra. If you are looking to attract new opportunities in your life, you can add green aventurine to your self-care practices, so you can be open to whatever comes your way. Start the process of opening your heart to new possibilities by making your own Joy and Abundance mala.

Howlite is a great crystal for cultivating peace and emotional healing. You can use it to enhance your sleep or to ease any anxiety you may be experiencing. If your self care requires cultivating more peace, you can make your own Calm and Peace mala.

We can't emphasize enough how important it is that you make self care a priority. Everyone's self care needs are different, so some people may do everything on this list, and others may find something completely different that works for them. The important thing is that you are doing something that keeps you energized and excited about life.

Use this article to design a self-care routine that works for your unique needs, and browse our collection of malas, DIY mala kits, and mindful jewelry to enhance your self care practices.


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