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3 Ways to Make a New Year's Resolution that You Can Actually Stick To

Happy New You!

2020 has been the year of staying home, working in sweats, becoming woke to social injustice (NBD), maskne to top it off, and finally we find ourselves at year's end. We are all hoping for greater things on the other side of this crazy year, and it seems we've had more time than ever to evaluate what we truly want to get out of life. Here's some tips to help you to make a New Year's Resolution to welcome in 2021 - one that you can actually commit to and feel grateful for.
  • What really matters to you, and only you? Dig a little deeper this year and uncover your true desires. Our western culture focuses on external change. Resolutions often come from a place of "I'm not good enough and this is what I need to change to live the life I want"... but Yoga brings us the concept of "Sankalpa"... a concept of transformation which comes from a place of self-love.
  • What is "Sankalpa"? Thanks for asking... its our favorite! It's even the inspiration behind our name "MeraKalpa". "Sankalpa" embraces the idea that all you have ever needed to live your greatest life, your dharma, is within you already. All you need to do is look within.  Creating a New Year's Resolution that connects to your Sankalpa is a more meaningful commitment that truly matters to you. Choosing a New Years resolution that supports your INNER desires rather than your exterior appearance for example, will have longer lasting power and help you achieve your goal. Here's our favorite article about How to Create Your Own Sankalpa


  • Rituals and ceremonies, are simply practices that mankind has used since creation to mark important events and significant experiences. Consider creating your own ritual or practice to solidify and commit to your Resolution.
  • Here are a few of our favorite practices to set and commit to an intention or resolution:
    • Create an Affirmation for your New Year's Resolution. Turning a resolution into an affirmation empowers you and states that you already have or are, what you seek. Example: Resolution: “To be kinder to myself this year”….. Affirmation: “I approve of myself. I love myself deeply and fully”
    • Making a Mala Necklace
      • The practice of making your own Mala is a wonderful way to help you discover your Sankalpa, or if you've got it...the process will help you connect to your Sankalpa...setting your intentions with each bead you string, each knot you tie. Once complete, your finished Mala will be a constant reminder of your Sankalpa, and your intentions.
      • You can choose a DIY Mala Necklace Kit based on your resolution or intention. For example, maybe this year you would like to feel more calm, relaxed, and at peace. Do you struggle with anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed? Howlite is a stone that eases stress and anxiety. Making your own Calm & Peace Howlite Mala can help you in setting and achieving this intention.
    • Journaling - Writing down your goals and thoughts helps you get clear on what you desire. But don’t stop there! To truly attract the life you desire, you need to visualize yourself already living that life! If your resolution is to exercise or practice yoga daily…write about what activities you can do daily to achieve this goal, how long will your daily activity take? How will you feel after your yoga practice each day? How will you schedule time daily to make sure you allow yourself this time to exercise daily?


  • Set small, short, realistic goals! Research shows that it takes 66 days to form a new habit. Consider setting a 2-3 month goal and breaking that down into "bitesize" weekly, daily goals.
  • Track Yourself! Tracking your progress in a planner keeps on track to achieve your goals. In our business at MeraKalpa, we love using the Bullet Journal Method (P.S. this is not an ad... just our personal preference!). We love Bullet Journaling because it's customizable, and crazy effective at helping you organize your thoughts! Not only that, you won't be wasting any paper when you forget to use your planner for a week - start or recommit to your goal anytime.
  • Reward Yourself! Set a goal date and a reward for yourself. How will you celebrate sticking to your resolution in 66 days from now?


Listen deep within to find what is stirring your soul. Create an intention or new year's resolution around this spark, and let 2021 bloom into a year of manifesting your true self! Don't worry if you didn't start on January 1 either.... any day is the best day for setting a new path and working toward becoming the best version of you!  

What Is YOUR New Year's Sankalpa? We would love to hear about your journey! Please comment below! We are always available to help you in your journey too!

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