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7 Yoga-Inspired Holiday Gift Ideas for the Yogis You Love

yoga journal

We made the list!  

MeraKalpa Malas - Make your Own Mala Kits named "Best for the Spiritual Junky" by Yoga Journal

We are so honored to be included in Yoga Journal's Holiday Gift Guide!!  

Surprise your favorite Yogi this holiday season with the gift of intention!  Making your own mala beads is a meditation in itself, connecting the yogi to his or her most heartfelt intentions.  Mala Kits come in 7 different Gemstones, each of which represent different intentions like: love, focus, prosperity, expression, and compassion.  Your yogi can wear it, cherish it, and practice with it, living out the intention each day.  Plus, with New Years around the corner, it's a great time to set new intentions!!

Find the Perfect Mala Kits for your Favorite Yogi :) 


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